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Use Cases for CISO

Architecture Challenges

Security has never been in such high demand, and rightly so

Most companies create some kind of web or mobile solution to relate to their customers and to protect sensitive user data from becoming a credibility threat. To support you, Yaman offers tools and services to ensure the security of your applications.

Solutions for a CISO

Invest for better results by making your processes more efficient

Cyber Security: We offer SAST and DAST analytics to ensure your applications are free of vulnerabilities that could compromise the security of your information. We are Veracode and Microfocus partners.

Security Team: Allocate security professionals to meet your needs for as long as you need them. We operate with a variety of profiles, including a Security Champion to regularly support development teams in creating more secure code.

DevSecOps: We create or adapt tracks with safety validations as acceptance criteria for new releases. We apply automated security reviews in the right way to assure Continuous Delivery and Integration practices.

Security Maturity: We have mapped out security maturity guidelines and created action plans to take you to more advanced levels that are in line with your business.

Data Protection: We audit sensitive data in the database to discover potential intrusions or security policy breaches and recommend protection accordingly, such as firewall access filtering with layer 7 support.

  • 40% of attacks happen through web applications
  • 61% of applications fail OWASP in their first assessment
  • 97% of Java applications contain known vulnerabilities in third-party components

* According to Verizon Data Breech and Incident Report 2016 and Veracode State of Software Security 2016 reports.

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